How can YOU help?
We can always use fundraisers and volunteers, so if you have the time and energy please contact us immediately as we can utilise your skills!
- Become a volunteer at CREST
- put your skills and expertise to good use - Join our fundraising team
- raise much needed funds and have fun too!

Could you donate any shares?
If you have any shares which are uneconomic to sell, you may wish to consider donating them to ShareGift, the share donation charity.
ShareGift is an independent UK registered charity which collects together small lots of shares until there are enough to sell and then donates the resulting proceeds to a wide range of charities. To date ShareGift has donated over £25million to over 2,500 charities suggested by donors. You can help support us by donating any small shareholdings you may have to ShareGift, and mentioning that you support CREST Cancer Support.
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can claim income tax relief on the value of most stocks and securities when you donate them to a charity. In addition, donating shares charitably gives rise to neither a gain nor a loss for Capital Gains Tax (CGT) purposes. For more information on ShareGift go to
Could you donate something we could use?
We are always very grateful for your generous donations eg:
- Unwanted presents or gift vouchers
- for the sales, raffle and tombola stalls - Second class stamps
- to help with the cost of keeping in touch with our members - Nectar card or Club Card points which can be turned into cash
Could you help raise some money?
Here are some ideas:
- Take part in a sponsored event
- Hold a coffee morning
- Have a collection tin at work
- Complete a CREST gift aid form
- Make a legacy to CREST
Everything helps!
Call 01784 613971 or email
for further details